Thursday, 22 September 2011

How to Configure Idle and Disconnect Timeout Settings in XenApp 6

This article describes how to configure a Session Idle Limit and a Disconnected Session Limit for XenApp 6.0.
Citrix Administrative privileges to create or modify a policy, and privileges to edit the ICA Listener Configuration tool.
In previous versions of XenApp, configuring the Idle and Disconnected session limits was done either from the ICA listener, or through Microsoft Terminal Services group policies.
In XenApp 6.0, this is now controlled by a combination of Citrix server policies, and the ICA listener Configuration Tool.
  1.  Create a Worker Group containing all the servers that need this setting applied to them. (Skip this step if you have an existing worker group with all of the needed servers).
  2. Create a new policy or edit an existing policy. On the settings dialogue, under the ICA section, highlight Server Limits. Click the Addhyperlink, and configure the desired timeout value in milliseconds (60,000 milliseconds = 1 minute) and then click Next.
  3. Click the Add hyperlink to add the worker group that contains the servers you want to apply this setting to. Click the Add button, and then type the name of the worker group from step 1. Click Ok all the way out, and save the policy.
  1. configure the time period a session can stay in a disconnected state, follow the steps below.
  2. Click the Start menu, select All ProgramsCitrixAdministration Tools, and ICA Listener Configuration.
  3. Select the ICA listener, and click the Edit option.
  4. On the Session Limits tab, configure the desired value for disconnected sessions in the drop down menu in the End Disconnected Sessionsection. Click the Apply button and then click Ok.
More Information
The session limits above only affect connections to a XenApp server. The session limits settings in a user policy only apply to XenDesktop.
For more information on applying Session limits in XenDesktop, see CTX126775 - How to Configure Disconnected Session Timer Settings in XenApp 6

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