Thursday, 22 September 2011

Presentation Server 4.0 and Service Pack 2005.04 for MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0 Cannot Be Installed on a Domain Controller or to a Different Language Operating SystemPost title

An installation of Citrix Presentation Server 4.0 fails on a domain controller. An upgrade to Presentation Server 4.0 and install of Service Pack 2005.04 on MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0 also fails on a domain controller. The following can be seen in the MSI log created during the failed install.
(SERVER) MSI (s) (B8:FC) [14:20:17:187]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=SMA_CreateSmaServiceUserAccount.521E6F86_41D7_445B_9ED8_E074D55191E4,,)
(UNKNOWN) Action 14:20:17: SMA_CreateSmaServiceUserAccount.521E6F86_41D7_445B_9ED8_E074D55191E4.
(SERVER) MSI (s) (B8:FC) [14:20:17:531]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=SMA_CreateSmaServiceUserAccount.521E6F86_41D7_445B_9ED8_E074D55191E4,ActionType=3073,Source=BinaryData,
{cU5gJ8lwJ-SMA_SERVICE_USER_GROUP.521E6F86_41D7_445B_9ED8_E074D55191E4=Power Users-SMA_SERVICE_APPID.521E6F86_41D7_445B_9ED8_E074D55191E4={BBBF5400-E091-11D8-AD76-005056C00008}-)
(SERVER) MSI (s) (B8:E0) [14:20:17:593]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSI24D.tmp, Entrypoint: CTX_MF_MM_CreateSmaServiceUserAccount
(ERROR) Action ended 14:20:20: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
The installation will also fail when the language of the operating system is different than the language version of Presentation Server.
Reason #1: During the installation of Citrix Presentation Server 4.0, a local user account is created. This user account is called Ctx_SmaUser and is required to start the Citrix SMA service and the Citrix Print Manager service. Because a local user account cannot be created on a domain controller, the install fails and cannot be completed.
Reason #2: The installation fails if the “Power Users” group name differs from the ones defined in the source code below:
SMA_SERVICE_USER_GROUP.521E6F86_41D7_445B_9ED8_E074D55191E4 Hauptbenutzer
SMA_SERVICE_USER_GROUP.521E6F86_41D7_445B_9ED8_E074D55191E4 Power Users
SMA_SERVICE_USER_GROUP.521E6F86_41D7_445B_9ED8_E074D55191E4 Usuarios avanzados
SMA_SERVICE_USER_GROUP.521E6F86_41D7_445B_9ED8_E074D55191E4 Utilisateurs avec pouvoir
After the Ctx_SmaUser has been created, it needs to be added to the appropriate group. If it is unable to find the group or unable to create the account, the installation will fail.
More Information
The Service Pack 2005.04 installs the same binaries as the full Presentation Server 4.0 install, so the attempt to create the local Ctx_SmaUser account prevents this install as well. It has always been recommended with previous versions of Presentation Server and Terminal Services to NOT install on a domain controller, but with previous versions it was technically possible. With Citrix Presentation Server 4.0, it is not possible.
Unless stated explicitly in product documentation, Citrix does not support the installation of language versions of Presentation Server on different language versions of the operating system.

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